There was no Kapa Haka on 15 May as Koro was at a tangi. Mrs Sylvia Dunkley is going to be taking over the Manager role for the Kapa Haka group from this Thursday and will also be looking after the blog from now on. On 22 May the Juniors will attend Kapa Haka from 2 - 2.25pm and the Middle and Senior School from 2.25 - 2.50pm. Only those students who have returned their Kapa Haka registration form will attend. If students need a form they can get one from the office or by going to the following link:
Ignore the date the form had to be returned - we will still accept registrations.
I have been very impressed with the attitude and behaviour of the children at Kapa Haka. We have had between 110 and 140 students attending Kapa Haka for the introductory sessions this year. The numbers just keep getting bigger each year. Koro Tini does an amazing job sharing his talents with our students. and inspiring them to love Kapa Haka. We are very lucky to have working with our students as the Kapa Haka tutor.
I plan to continue to maintain an interest in the group and have really enjoyed my time with the Kapa Haka group. A huge thank you to our Whanau Hui group, to Heidi Symon for all the hours she gives to ensuring we have a Whanau Hui group, supporting our school to obtain funding to assist our learners needing extra help and generally promoting things "Maori" within our school. We have also been lucky to have one of our new parents, Eliana Maxwell, assisting with Kapa Haka this year. Thanks everyone and I know you are in good hands with Sylvia Dunkley now taking on the Kapa Haka Manager role.
Please continue to support these wonderful people who work so hard to provide opportunities for our students.
Regards Anne Cato